Written in the Stars: Issue #1
Hello! Welcome to Written in the Stars, where we give you a short snippet from our mind based on any sort of writing prompts that YOU provide. It could be about anything at all! This issue is just to give people the chance to realize that if you put your mind to it, you could write about anything and everything! I hope you enjoy it!

- From : Riley Dragon

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Hyakinthos Constantinou

Hyakinthos Constantinou This is so amazing, such wonderful writing and such wonderful ideas! Hmm.. Something to suggest would be: otters.

Adeline Fawtiq

Adeline Fawtiq I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hayden Hylande

Hayden Hylande Oh this is really great! My next suggestion would be love but Kieran already picked it...so I will go for soulmate!

Raeleigh Aetheo

Raeleigh Aetheo Woooooowww what an amazing blog! Wyvern is my suggestion ;)

Blaise Winter

Blaise Winter Whoa! This is a great concept! Suggestion: Magic

Ella Montrose

Ella Montrose Oeeehh I like it!! My suggestion for prompt will be ice cream

Braelynn Hylande

Braelynn Hylande Amazing work from our fabulous Emissaries! My suggestion for a prompt of course has to be Goats! My favourite animal of all!

Jasmine Mai

Jasmine Mai Wow, Great Coding!!! My word will be ~Sushi~

Aiwen Marrow

Aiwen Marrow Oh, this is so curious~ My world shall be "wastes".

Rogue Adventurer

Rogue Adventurer I think 'flames' would be interesting as a prompt!

Rogue Adventurer

Rogue Adventurer Ooo this is such a great idea! I love it!

Evanora Eve

Evanora Eve Love this!! How about Sprinkles for a prompt?~

Khaelan Hylande

Khaelan Hylande Ooh I love thiiis <3 for the next prompt maybe "Thorns" ?

Kieran Corbett

Kieran Corbett Wow, such an incredible article! Hmm, I think I will volunteer "Love" as the next word ;)

Aurora Floris

Aurora Floris :O The writing is beautiful you really have a way with words! Hmm a possible word for next week? Royalty :D I can't wait to see what you may write!

Alannia Leilatha

Alannia Leilatha I love this!!! How about "stardust" as a prompt ;)

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