2022-09-28 04:38:00 - From : Carina Franzen
Ellisya Glandore So... I literally have one of every answer XD
2022-10-01 20:05:08
Delphine Luceran A ofc!
2022-09-28 17:22:05
Oden Sothiur Oh my... I was split between B and C. How does this fair with what class I teach...
2022-09-28 17:02:54
Rome Wynn I got one answer of each letter...Maybe I should just take all the classes :0
2022-09-28 13:31:24
Buaidheach Friseal Hmm mostly A, how interesting
2022-09-28 09:11:21
Nero Delroy Ofc i received answer C!
2022-09-28 07:29:21
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Ellisya Glandore So... I literally have one of every answer XD
Delphine Luceran A ofc!
Oden Sothiur Oh my... I was split between B and C. How does this fair with what class I teach...
Rome Wynn I got one answer of each letter...Maybe I should just take all the classes :0
Buaidheach Friseal Hmm mostly A, how interesting
Nero Delroy Ofc i received answer C!