A Thoughtful Offering
Ruhn Danaan

Tall, Dark, and Handsome. Hmmm where have I seen that before? Oh yeah Literally Every Bat Boy!

Who is Ruhn Danaan?


Ok ok let me not get ahead of myself and first actually introduce you guys to who the heck Ruhn Danaan even is. Look away if you want to preserve Crescent City Lore for your first read through, this will be your only warning folks! ....Ok are they gone? Great. Ruhn Danaan is the half-brother to our main character Bryce Quinlan. Unlike his darling half-sister though he is all Tall, Dark, and Handsome Fae Prince. The one thing they do share? Daddy issues through the roof! Or and maybe a little bit of Starborn Fae heritage but we'll get into that later. He is the only acknowledged son of the Autumn King, Einar Danaan who...yeah that's a blog for another day. He was the head of the Fae Auxillary in Lunathion and is now the current Commander for the entire Lunathion Auxillary. He is also mates with one Lidia Cervos aka The Hind.

His Lineage

We've briefly touched on Ruhn's father Einar and the fact that he was the Autumn King...does that mean Ruhn has taken over? Nope! He happily lets his sister take that title though they do both share the Starborn Fae title granted to them. Ruhn Danaan's Ordeal, which is a coming of age right that all fae go through, had him take claim of the Starsword. The Starsword was a powerful artifact for the Midgardian Fae due to the fact that only those with a Starborn Lineage could weild it. It was passed down by Prince Pelias once he stole it from Queen Theia though it was supposed to be passed to her female heirs.



Starborn Fae Theories

Ruhn Danaan: A Familiar Face

After claiming the Starsword Ruhn was named "The Chosen One" and was thought to do a many great things with this newfound power which...seems very similar to a certain someone. Despite his father being the Autumn King which came with fire magic Ruhn held power over...darkness and an ability to speak in the minds of others. Now let's recount, powers of darkness, telepathy, and a sword that links back to the "stars" who does that sound like again? Oh Yes! Rhysand, High Lord of the Night Court, associated with the stars and darkness who also happens to be a Daemati who have the ability to read other people's thoughts and speak to them within their own mind. Really Sarah you couldn't have hit us over the head harder with the foreshadowing I mean come on now, it's right there! Especially when you consider how he is physically described. Golden skin, dark hair, light eyes, and the "telltale signs of the Starborn Line". Oh jeez I do wonder who that sounds like...insert eye roll here. It's clear that the Starborn fae are related to Rhysand somehow or maybe it's the other way around since Queen Theia, the first of the starborn fae, was the last High Queen of Prythian.


Ruhn Danaan and The Shadows

Except...when you start to look a little deeper at it? Everything isn't pointing to Rhysand but another familiar face in our trio of batty boys. That being, Azriel. Of course our first indication here that Azriel, Rhysand, and Ruhn might all be related is Ruhn's control over shadows. He might not be able to hear them speak like Azriel can but he walks through them, summons them, and can cloak himself or others within them. And then you look at a very specific detail that Sarah chose to include when describing Ruhn, the burn marks on his arms. Ruhn chooses to cover these with tattoos but they are still there, they are still caused by an abusive family member. Hmm...now who shares that similarity? Not to mention that Azriel weilds the other half of the Starborn weaponry, Truth Teller. The Starsword is the last of the cauldron made swords but it had a pair in the dagger that Azriel weilds. When the two weapons are near each other the sword glows white while Truth Teller glows dark, twins in every way. The Midgardian fae even have a prophecy of sorts surrounding the two weapons, "When knife and sword are reunited, so shall our people be."

The Verdict

Well it looks like to me that there is still much more of this story to be told, especially since neither Azriel or Rhysand have confirmed last names yet. What do you guys think? Are Azriel and Rhysand siblings seperated at birth? Or did Sarah just get her bat boys mixed up? I would love to hear your thoughts on these theories and perhaps your own in the comments!

Calla Evergreen
Proud Dog Lover
© Code by Aliyah