Alright, full disclosure- even the people running our site have people to report to. And sometimes those people give us some super helpful suggestions about what kinds of content we should consider posting to our site to draw more people in. Recently we were provided with some of the top Google searches in relation to our fandom. Most of them are what you'd expect- Feyre, Lucien, Tamlin, the likes. Well, this week we got: 'ACOTAR'. 


ACOTAR is probably what brought a lot of us here, if we're being completely honest. We all came for the spicy fairy scenes and stayed for a well-built world and compelling plot. Today, it's time to celebrate it with a gallery of my favorite fan art and cosplays of some of my favorite people. Here we go!




Making this decision may be the death of me


Lucien Vanserra (ACOTAR)


The Lord of Foxes wormed his way into all of our hearts early on, didn't he? Everyone seems to have a different quip they've fallen in love with. Personally mine is the 'moon on a string' line. You know the one. Anyways I love him and this piece by kri_stasss in particular makes me go feral because oh. my . gods. And I'm sure you can all see why. This is so him. But also if I was on the recieving end of this I think I might pass out because aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. 


Gwyn Berdara

Gwyneth Berdara gets so much unnecessary hate from *ahem* one side of this fandom, for something as simple as... existing? Being pretty? Which is kind of rude because she's one of the most layered characters in this fandom. But anyways, she is very pretty and she's a very well-rounded character and maybe I just like redheads but this piece by mtfernandez is everything to me. Everything




The ACOTAR Cosplays

There are some very pretty people in this fandom.



We all see characters differently when we read, and everyone's vision is very valid. And there are so many good Rhysand cosplayers out there. Connor Padilla and Cory Fowler are the first ones that come to mind, but there's a ton of great people out there. But there's one particular cosplay that I can't get out of my head. And I know this one was professionally put together by Gauntlets and Gowns, but Jennings Brower is literally exactly what I envision when I read about Rhysand. I mean, look at him.



That's the High Lord of the Night Court right there.


Putting Elain and Gwyn in the same article? Scandalous! I'm asking for a war! In all seriousness you either love or hate Elain and I love her. And it's not necessarily easy to capture her essence in art or cosplay. She is sweet but she's not spineless. And when I'm scrolling through our socials accounts there's one particular Elain who always stands out to me in outfit and in mannerisms. She gets it. Her tag (on TikTok at least) is @bookishlyaries, her screen name is Summer, and she's definitely another case of fulfilling exactly what I see in my mind's eye when I read about Elain. This particular photo is by Jonathan Allison Creations. 



Isn't she gorgeous?


There's such beautiful art being created in the ACOTAR fandom and I'm astounded every day by it. Genuinely. Keep making beautiful things, friends!

Ophelia Knox

© Lena