Quiz Time!

Welcome all to the first edition of this brand new blog from the Emissary team. Here you will be able to find out each month which of the options suits you best. You do this by answering the six questions with the choice that suits you best. Have you always wanted to know which season best describes you? Or still want to know which kingdom you would best move to? Or do you rather want to know which character is the best like you? Or which weapon would suit you best?

The theme for this edition is nothing less than the seasonal courts! Do you want to know which season suits you best?? Then take a look and answer the questions! The idea is simple: see which letter suits you best and then click on the frame below... Good luck!

Question 1: Which stone appeals to you the most?

A. Emerald
B. Ruby
C. Sapphire
D. Diamond
Question 2: What is your aesthetic

A. orange, red, and gold
B. white or silver
C. red, gold, brown, and green
D. White, green
Question 3: what gift do you want?

A. shapeshifting
B. water powers
C. fire powers
D. Ice powers
Question 4: Favorite ACOTAR book

A. A Court of Frost and Starlight
B. A Court of Mist and Fury
C. A Court of Wings and Ruin
D. A Court of Thorns and Roses

Mostly Answer A
It is clear, you belong to the spring court! The enduring fields and the clear lakes soon make you feel right at home. Nynsar is also your highlight of the year.
Mostly Answer B
You feel like a fish in water in the summer court and the vast beaches have no secret for you. And are you already looking forward to Summer Solstice?
Mostly Answer C
Colours everywhere, that's where you feel at home. You belong to nothing less than the autumn court. The fact that you sometimes play with fire should not be taken figuratively.
Mostly Answer D
Do you wanna build a snowmaaaaaan? Don't worry I won't sing any more but the winter court is your home! The big mountains and the evergreen trees are what can make you feel really at home.
What did you find out? Does it really suit you? Let us know here in the comments! Oh and do you have a great idea for next edition? Send a message to Naomi Aethetiax and who knows, maybe you'll see your idea back! <3