A Thoughtful Offering
Lucien Love

Lucien Vanserra is a tragically beautiful creation of Sarah J Maas, one of which I am very fond of and get emotional about on the daily. From the start of A Court of Thorns and Roses I was hooked. In fact I’m not sure I would’ve continued reading the series if it hadn’t been for his continual sass. I mean come on, there are several examples I could use, such as “"If I offer you the moon on a string, will you give me a kiss, too?" from chapter twenty-four. Iconic, amazing, showstopper.

As I read through the first book, I remember thinking: why would Feyre choose Tamlin when Lucien was there the whole time? I even thought at one point that Feyre would end up with Lucien and that the Tamlin was more or less a diversion by the author. I guess I was wrong, but not completely. Let's take a look and see why.
Lucien's Past

Lucien and Family

Throughout the series, we learn a lot about Lucien, but not nearly enough. The Lucien ACOTAR paints leaves a lot of questions to be asked. I need to know more. For example, I want to know more about his family. As we hinted in Friday's article, there could very well be a court ordered paternity test in the next book (SPOILERS). I want to know more about his life while he lived in the Autumn Court. I think by knowing this information, it will further help understand and appreciate Lucien as a whole. By diving into more knowledge about his life, we will learn more about Beron, his brothers (especially Eris) and his mother, the Lady of the Autumn Court (it absolutely kills me that we never even learn her name). With knowledge of them and the interactions he had, it can help us with what is to come. 


Lucien and Mating

It was revealed later in the series that his mate is actually Elain Acheron, Feyre's sister. It was discovered after she left the cauldron as a high fae, which we can thank Tamlin for (that was sarcasm). Lucien sort of did a 180 in character to try and be there for her. It was quite a shock. However, due to a great deal of trauma, and understandably so, Elain didn’t want anything to do with Lucien and distanced herself. A pity if you're asking me.


Lucien's Future

Lucien and Romance

Now all of that could lead to an interesting set of events in the future developments to the series. There could very well be a love triangle between Elaine, Lucien and Azriel, as Elain seems to have taken a shining to the Spymaster. It seems that there are thousands of different predictions in that regard. In fact, I’ve seen a few believed love interests for him. And while I can’t particularly say one way or another, I hope that Lucien comes out of it all okay. He’s had a pretty rough set of years. He needs a break. 


Lucien's Wellbeing

It seems as though in the last few books, he’s lost that spark of his that I enjoy so much and I hope it returns soon. Although I can understand why Lucien is behaving the way he is, he's been through a great deal of experiences that haven’t necessarily been for the better. Some people even believe he has been given enough reason to have his “villain origin story”. I don’t really think that is something in store for the books to come. But again, I can’t say one way or another since I’m not Sarah J Maas. 


The Verdict
We can't say one way or the other which way Sarah will take Lucien, but I hope she treats him well. He's precious, and I'm just I'm not the only one to say that he's one of the reasons I kept reading the series. If not Elain, I hope he finds love somewhere. And maybe a home among his real family (SPOILERS). 
What do you think is in store for Lucien Vanserra? I’d love to hear all about it.
Rosaceli Romalis
(Lucien's Biggest Fan)
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